Not the Real Jesus
Blog post, comedy, funny, humour, satire, mexico, travelJames Darganmexico, travel, humour, humor, funny, travelogue, creative non-fiction, blog post, travelling, oaxaca
Candombe & the Artist
Blog post, candombe, ebooks, latin american history, montevideo, music, new book, new novel, south american history, uruguay, black south americans, negro-uruguayansJames Darganart, Uruguay, south america, montevideo, history of montevideo, pedro figari, culture, latin american history, latin america, blog post, blogs
The Bulgarian
Blog post, funny, humour, satire, English languageJames Darganblog post, blog, america, travel, summer camp, humour, funny, satire, thomas wolfe, carl sandburg, north carolina, southern states, asheville, hendersonville nc
Self-Pub Journey
Blog post, business, ebooks, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, new bookJames Darganself-publishing, self-help, publishing, ebooks in China, books, blog post, self-realization, indie publication
Louder Than Bombs!
Blog post, comedy, funny, humour, satire, british culture, musicJames Darganmusic, british culture, 1980s culture, vhs, video stores, The Smiths, American football, homosexuality, gay, frankie goes to hollywood, movies, films, Quentin Tarantino, george carlin, alcohol, channel 4, american football
Before Dragons' Den
business, Blog post, comedy, funny, humour, arthur c clarke, business ideas, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurJames Darganhumorous, humour, funny, satire, donald trump, trump, comedy, black comedy, arthur c clarke, business ideas, business
The Ninja
funny, humour, comedy, teaching, business, business english, Poland, WarsawJames Darganhumorous, funny, comedy, black comedy, Warsaw, Poland, Teaching, English teaching, Business english, business
The Irish of Uruguay
Blog post, ebooks, latin american history, montevideo, Red Masks of Montevideo, south american history, uruguay, irish immigration, irish in uruguayJames Darganuruguay, Montevideo, history of uruguay, Irish history, Irish uruguayans, Zorro, Great Famine, Potato Famine, Ireland, Denis Lehane, The Drop, Fabian O'Neill, Uruguayan football, Irish immigration, immigration to uruguay
The Island Mission
latin american history, south american history, the franciscans, the jesuits, charrua indians, guarani indians, indigenous indians, new novel, Red Masks of MontevideoJames DarganUruguay, south american history, South America, latin american history, charrua indians, Guarani indians, Fructuoso Rivera, Franciscan monks, jesuit monks, the franciscans, the jesuits, catholicism in latin america
The Survivor
Blog post, uruguay, south american history, montevideoJames Darganuruguay, South America, south american history, history of uruguay, the tupamaros, Montevideo, charrua indians, history of montevideo
Los Tupamaros!
tupamaros, uruguay, montevideo, jose mujica, Raul Sendic, candombe, latin american historyJames DarganTupamaros, Uruguay, Montevideo, new novel, James Dargan, Jose Mujica, South America, candombe, dan mitrione, cia, raul sendic, first world cup final, world cup final 1930, latin america, latin american history
New Book Cover
american organized crime, arizona, mobsters, tucson, John Gotti, joseph Bonnano, Italian mafiaJames Darganbook cover, tucson, organized crime in America, John Gotti, Joseph Bonnano, Mobsters, American mafia
The Desert Dago
mobsters, arizona, tucson, american organized crime, ebooksJames Darganamerican mob, arizona, tucson, organized crime in America, Bonanno crime family, Bullet City, Dennis Lehane, Elmore Leonard, Solihull College, James Ellroy, Tombstone
Chinese Translation
Chinese translation, Ebooks in China, Publication in China, FibereadJames DarganRed corner, Russian medieval history, Medieval russia, James dargan translation, Russia history, Russian culture, Chinese ebook market, ebooks in China, Fiberead
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